
Propel change now

Propel Change Now is a wellness studio based in Whitby, ON, founded by Jodi Carducci. Located downtown in Whitby’s beautiful and historic Promenade Building. Jodi’s studio allows for tranquility, peace, and full relaxation. This space provides everyone who visits, with a secure and supportive environment, conducive to therapeutic wellness treatments and honest coaching conversations.

Take time for yourself.


Hi, I’m Jodi.

Founder | Spirit and Wellness Advisor

With over 15 years in the health and fitness industry as a Certified Life Coach ( CCF), Reiki practitioner, Reflexologist ( RAC), Yoga teacher, Nutritional Consultant, and Fitness Instructor, my passion for health and wellness is something I integrate into my personal life every day.

A little bit more about jodi.

Over 20 years ago Jodi began her personal practice in Iyengar yoga, which was quickly built upon with certifications in Hatha and Vinyasa yoga.

With a fitness background as a personal trainer and a group fitness instructor, Jodi’s love of power Vinyasa is felt in her uniquely guided classes. Having worked with elite athletes from the Ontario Yankees boys and girls baseball teams, international figure skaters, hockey players, and having participated in fitness competitions herself, personalized and periodized training programs are Jodi’s specialty.

Whether it be one-on-one or in a group format, Jodi’s commitment to her clients and student’s goals are her priority. Jodi’s confidence and strength, and her commitment to living a life of integrity, are uniquely woven into every session and personal interaction.

Inspiring her students and clients to overcome limiting belief patterns and find their power mentally, physically and emotionally in order to live the life they desire, is what motivates Jodi.